A Woman of Stature

In order to attract a King you must maintain your stature as a Queen he desires

Accepting our girls were born to be and queens means we must transform the concepts our youth thinking so the universe can provide the metamorphosis they need into the beings Our Creator commissioned them to be. Children are not here by accident, their soul was specially place into their body and they were born parents with specific 
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) for a reason. Maybe the understanding of why a child is born in this time, to spefic parents, in the environment they are raised in is more than our comprehension can conceive. The wisdom of Our Creator always becomes apparent as we gain advisability and sagacious in our older years and begin to see our lives as pieces of a interwoven jigsaw puzzle in the fabric of life. 

It is the folly of our youth to think they are invincible, running from one concept to the next and believing their network of friends quicker than believing their relatives. This behavior may stem from our absence of intervention as parents, our lack of fortitude to protect their development and our acquiescence to take action. We have allowed the government to control their education and train them as a puppet in an institutionalized nonconforming regime designed to be their puppet-master.  The current outcomes we are experiencing come from our neglect, our youth are learning nonsensical trivia instead of enhancing their comprehension of abstract thought, creativity and critical thinking. 

The results of social teaching: Our children follow the ways of the world because they think it's the "in" thing to do, they are introduced to subjects and vices much earlier than their maturity can handle including ideas and relationships they are not ready to grasp. This was the long-term goal, it was derived hundreds of years ago and now the repercussions of this social engineering take effect faster on a generation that has no clue they are being controlled or brainwashed. Society has halted our advancement as a people, allowing our customs to advance into no culture, our heritage to become a history of jesters amusing the elite as we shuck and jive our way through life. 

It is time to awakening from our comatose state of being and take responsibility for the development of our youth. Our Creator placed them in our care to raise and nature, we are just stewards for their upbringing His is the master plan. To break this cycle we must turn off outside influences: cellphones, television and movies during their time of training so youth can focus and concentrate on what is important. We must decide to develop our own environments; a non-regulated, non government interference ecosystem designed to nurture our children into responsible adults with advanced skills in science, mathematics and reading comprehension. The choice and the responsibility to change current statistics and outcomes is ours!

Written by, 

DELORES EDITH BUNCH-KEEMER (c) has also written: Cryptocurrency's Tranformation, Becoming a Moorish Lady, A Woman of Stature, Enduring the Odds, Damselfly Dimensions, Moors in America, Moors in America, Discovering Yourself, When We Were Kings, Technology as Your Business Solution, and much more....


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