Becoming A Moorish Lady

You are a woman of Moorish decent who needs to understand her culture, heritage and ancestry to take her rightful place among women. As a Moorish woman you are the desire of your men and the envy of others because of the greatness you possess and the image you radiate. However, you have left your traditions, forgotten our morals of conduct, pay no mind to chastity and do our ancestors no honor by lusting and vulgar behavior. What have we become as a people:

- We have no modesty and wear scandaless clothing

- We have other people's hair glued to or weaved in our hair

- We have injections of who knows what shot into our lips, butt, cheeks and eyebrows

- We bleach our beautiful melanin out of our skin

- We paint layers of makeup on our face like a clown

- We add nail extensions and shape them like animal claws

- Our mouth is vulgar and we say anything even in front of children

- We are no longer a role model for children and babies are raising babies

- We sleep with men way TOO soon and then are hurt because they don't want us anymore

- We chase money as though it were God!

Until our Queens realize they are womb-man carrying the seed of humanity within our body we will continue to be the victims of a great crime. To be a woman you must learn from a woman, there are subtleties of being a woman that only an elder woman can teach. The wrapping of a headdress or wearing of hat and gloves, posture and the correct way to walk in heels and speaking with etiquette and grace. It is the obligation of our elders to pass down our traditions and right now the young are screaming for an intervention. We must get back to community and sharing or we will fail as a people, our youth will obtain their culture form their oppressor and unfortunately we will be so removed from our ancestry that our connection to who we are will be lost. Connect with your elders and ask grandma to see family albums to discover you come from a special people and it is up to you to continue your family heritage to make your ancestors proud.

Written By,

DELORES EDITH BUNCH-KEEMER (c) has also written: Cryptocurrency's Tranformation, A Woman of Stature, Enduring the Odds, Damselfly Dimensions, Moors in America, Moors in America, Discovering Yourself, When We Were Kings, Technology as Your Business Solution, and much more....


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